Top K Frequent Elements
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To find the k most frequent elements in an integer array using JavaScript, you can follow these steps:
Initialize an empty object frequency to store the frequency count.
Iterate over each element n in the nums array. If the element n already exists in the frequency object, increment its count by 1. If the element n doesn't exist in the frequency object, set its count to 1.
Obtain the keys (elements) from the frequency object using Object.keys().
Sort the keys in descending order based on their corresponding frequency count. This is achieved by providing a custom sort function that compares the frequency count of each key (a and b) using frequency[b] - frequency[a].
Slice the sorted keys to return only the first k elements.
Return the resulting array of the top k frequent elements.
* @param {number[]} nums
* @param {number} k
* @return {number[]}
var topKFrequent = function (nums, k) {
const frequency = {};
for (let n of nums) {
frequency[n] = frequency[n] + 1 || 1;
const sortedFrequency = Object.keys(frequency).sort(
(a, b) => frequency[b] - frequency[a]
return sortedFrequency.slice(0, k);
The time complexity of this solution depends on the size of the nums array. Iterating over the nums array to calculate the frequency: O(n) Obtaining the keys from the frequency object: O(m) Sorting the keys based on frequency: O(m log m) Slicing the sorted keys: O(k) Overall, the time complexity is determined by the largest operation, which is sorting the keys. Therefore, the simplified time complexity is O(m log m), where m represents the number of unique elements in the nums array.
If all elements in the nums array are unique, m will be equal to the length of the nums array (n), resulting in a time complexity of O(n log n).
the space complexity of the given solution is O(m), where m is the number of unique elements in the nums array.